Monday, November 23, 2009

Work - Curse or a Blessing?

When I was asked this question, I naturally reacted by calling work a curse. I have asked the same question many times over to hundreds of young people and the answer was the same. Whenever mom gave me a chore to do, whenever I had to catch the rush hour 8.05 local to Churchgate to reach office or was tasked with some assignment or the other at the place of work, I couldn’t but wonder if this was the result of sin. I remembered the garden of Eden and the wonderful way Adam could walk around the park, pluck fruits to eat, play around with lions and in the cool of the day have fellowship with God. A far cry from my current work filled existence. I reasoned that it was the disobedience of Adam that led to the curse of tilling the land and of bringing forth food to eat with sweat and toil (Gen 3:17). Work had to be a curse.
Then came into my life the wonderful verse from the word of God, “The BIBLE”. Genesis 2:2,3 – God rested from all his work!!! God Worked!?!
If God did work, how can it be a curse? God expressed his creativity and wisdom through His work – the creation of the entire universe, galaxies and of the human being. Psalmist cries out and says, “how fearfully and wonderfully am I made”. In the light of this word, work suddenly had a new meaning. It had to be an opportunity for God’s children to express their own creativity – whatever be the task. God saved us from the wicked world – while we were yet dead in sins and tresspasses, He made us alive in Christ Jesus. The word of God records that He has put His treasure in this earthern vessel. We have to express this hidden treasure through the work that we do. So go out, whatever be the task, however menial, however complicated, pray and seek God’s help in expressing the hidden treasure in you. God’s wisdom, Christ in you may be manifested.

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